Perils & Pearls
Finding Jewels in the Journey
I have known since I was 30 what the title of my someday-memoir would be: The Perils of a Passionate Woman. I’ve been keeping my journal writings since then. It wasn’t until my fifties, upon a dear friend's suggestion, that I was ready to 'add the pearls': The Perils and Pearls of a Passionate Woman. Thus, the title of this blog: Perils and Pearls.
Now a seasoned Life Coach and Enneagram Coach in my sage years, I sense the importance of Legacy: that stage of life where we are compelled to gather up all our stories and lessons learned and distill them down to the essential messages we desire to pass on to others. This blog is the platform for such synthesizing for me.
Maybe this is my life story in blog form? Hmmm…
I invite you to bring your curiosity & join me as I share the pearls in the journey that can be perilous. And what an honor, if in some way, you can sense me accompanying you on your one-of-a-kind journey.